Making money is not difficult nowadays. If you have an idea of selling products or presenting your thoughts and knowledge, the online platform is the right one for you. You can easily open a blog and do all your favorite stuff. But, in the case of web hosting, WordPress has become a popular name among bloggers. So, here are the top Crypto WordPress Plugins
The platform is one of the easiest for beginners. The different types of plugins attached to the WordPress theme will make your blogging journey smoother and more convenient. The present world is developing so fast that everything has an alternative.
Crypto has become an alternative for the easy transaction of money from all over the world. Amazingly, this option is also available in your WordPress theme as a plugin.
The article presents information about cryptocurrency and the ten best Crypto WordPress plugins that will make your Crypto website more user-friendly.
The time of money exchange from person to person has been done. Now, we live in a digital world. So, a digital currency is here to buy goods and all the necessary kinds of stuff for our lives.
The currencies come in the form of tokens. Some companies make them and fix a price for the currencies. With this token, anyone can buy stuff just like with money. But these tokens are more secure to exchange and pried very high. This token is called cryptocurrency.
Cryptocurrencies are popular in online transactions because of their high-security system. You can ask ‘Why do people use cryptocurrency?’ or ‘What is the benefit of cryptocurrency?’.
The prime purpose of trading these unregulated currencies is to gain profit. Sometimes, the production companies raise the price skyward. Then buying and selling, people get profited. Cryptocurrencies are also secure for online transactions.
So, for earning from your blog, WordPress is here to send you money at your doorstep. Check out the best ten cryptocurrency blockchain plugins on your website.
CrytoWP is called the Real-time Cryptocurrency Market Prices on WordPress (PRO). The plugin is known as one of the best-looking Bitcoin and Crypto WordPress plugins. CryptoWP has the function of showing a wide range of cryptocurrency market prices.
CryptoWP WordPress Plugin
The buyer of the seller from the website can convert all his coins into different and preferable currencies, such as USD ($), GBP (£), EUR (€), AUD (A$), TRY, JPY (¥), CAD (C$), INR, ZAR, IDR, KRW.
Main features of CcryptoWP-
Another useful option for cryptocurrency transactions is the Cryptocurrency Charts for WordPress plugin. It can show Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency both. The plugin possesses more than 2,000 different cryptocurrencies.
Cryptocurrency Charts for WordPress
So, no currency can be found within the chart. How far your buyer is, Cryptocurrency Charts for WordPress can convert your money to your country’s currency. The chart types include line, column, step, candlestick, and smooth line.
Features available in Crypto WordPress Plugins are-
The plugin can transact with 28 cryptocurrencies. Also, been translated into more than 100 languages. Over the past few years, Bitcoin has become a common topic around the world. Bitcoin somehow replaces money transactions from the physical world with virtual life. To accomplish the task on the website, All Currencies for WooCommerce are here.
All Currencies for WooCommerce
The plugin accepts Bitcoin payments and makes the transaction more comfortable than other mediums. Just in 5 minutes, you are ready to bring cryptocurrency into your wallet. All Currencies for WooCommerce support exchange rates from-
Features include in All Currencies for WooCommerce plugin-
This plugin can easily add Bitcoin and cryptocurrency widgets to a website. It can support more than 1,500 cryptocurrencies when a page refreshes and major cryptocurrencies update in real time.
Premium Cryptocurrency Widgets for WordPress
It can also add live cryptocurrency quotes to your WordPress website. The Premium Cryptocurrency Widgets for WordPress plugin provides multiple color themes and logos for every Crypto WordPress Plugins.
The widget types Crypto WordPress Plugins are-
You can add more than 1,300 cryptocurrency information with the FAT Coincap – Crypto WordPress Plugin to your WordPress website. Adding cryptocurrency charts, tables, tickers, or leaderboards made the plugin easy to use for bloggers and users.
FAT Coincap Crypto plugins
Post or widget can be added by copying and pasting the shortcode. Display functions such as Box, chart, comparison, ticker, table, or leaderboard can make the transaction super easy. No coding knowledge is needed to customize the system.
Feature includes FAT Coincap WordPress Plugin-
This also uses short code for live cryptocurrency price ticker. The website with the plugin can show the top 100+ crypto coins in their current Price, Market Cap, volume, and rate of changes from hours to weeks.
Cryptocurrency Widgets Pro
Features include-
To display altcoin prices and cryptocurrency using a short code, add the Cryptocurrency Prices plugin to your website. It supports more than 1,300 cryptocurrencies. Also, it supports more than 30 exchange currencies. Mobile support is also available with Crypto WordPress Plugins.
Cryptocurrency Prices for WordPress
Cryptocurrency Prices plugin’s features are-
This is a chart that may be used for another shortcode. You can use this for your traditional cryptocurrency widget. This is full of useful widgets. The includes over 24 widgets.
Bitcoin, Crypto Currency, or Widget Shortcode
Features include Bitcoin, Crypto, Crypto Currency, Widget Shortcode Collection for WordPress plugin- You can easily find your desired wizard among them,
Cryptocurrency Mining Calculator
End of the topics Crypto WordPress Plugins is very important for website owners who are using Crypto nich blog. Cryptocurrency is a new-generation invention. And in the case of operating a website, you have to keep yourself up to date. So add the best plugin to your WordPress website to make transactions online and safe. Don’t lag because of little knowledge of technology advancement. So. in Crypto WordPress Plugins you can integrate easily into your website for extra advantage.