
What is a Domain name? Everything you need to know

What is a domain name?

In a basic explanation Domain Name is something address. For example, you want to visit anyone website you need to type an address like www.wphostsell.com and this is a domain name system in a short link with domain name server (DNS). Simply you should write an address in any browser to visit a website and this we call domain. To get an idea, you can search a domain here Domains Search

Website address can not duplicate and only one website address should be in existence over the internet. There have no same website address/ domain in the internet sphere. The Domain name is a unique and specific address. It is an address where the user can access to see your website files.

Domain name

Domain name

If you have a mobile device, and you want to call someone with the number that connect the other device with an IP Address (Internet Protocol). Computer use IP address which is a series of numbers. So it is really difficult to remember. As a result it is easy to use instead IP address to integrate website like192. 0. 32.7 icann.com

A domain can be combined with a letter and numbers. However, it’s use a combination of various domain extensions such as .com .org .net .us etc. You cannot use any domain without registration.

What is a Part Of A Domain name?

There have two parts of a domain. For example icann.org, here org is a generic Top Level Domain gTLD. For country code example.us, example.JP here US mean United State and JP mean Japan.

domain name eaxample

Domain example

As you see most of the general domain name have different parts. But we can divide in two major part. One is TLD and another is SLD.

  • TLD — Top Level Domain – it also means domain extension. This part is your familiar .com, .net, .orgno matter for any domain extension that is not matter.
  • SLD — Second Level Domain – it is referred for registering a new domain name also unique domain ID

Why you need a Domain Name

  • A domain name is very important because if you not register your domain, someone else competitors of your business will secure it. Worldwide, introduces your business. Domain will provide your brand name worldwide from one place.
  • Many people in the world booking their domain name so that they can implement their idea in the future with their niche. There will be no duplicate names, so before someone starts a website you need to choose and register domain name ASAP.
  • You can use your visiting card with your website domain name so that they can later check your service at any time. It is a way to expose your business marketing channel.
  • Honestly, a domain adds credibility to your small business. Your company looks like a very profession among the clients and consumers. For example, create a website free that is not bringing confidence among the client.
  • A domain builds your brand. It reinforces your business brand awareness and public popularity in an easy way. Your clients remember your brand and return as per your service.

What is DNS?

It is an internet organization basically who is managing DNS domain name system. A directory of names for alternative numbers. The number and name match the protocol. The Number is similar with IP addresses that is connected to contact each other computer network. Peer to peer connection. To better understand you can compare with a phone book.

When it was a very small community of internet network than that is easy to find any IP Address. But for a large network it is difficult to find out quickly any IP address. That’s why words are using to connect with multi sites. It is pretty easy to remember that any numeric numbers. Though you can go to any IP Address to visit any website using web browsers.

Free Domain Names

Many domain registrars provides free domain name and hosting service as their promotional offers. As a beginner, you can start with a free domain for your new website. It will help you to reduce costs for if you do not want to invest initially. We are providing the free domain offer of our clients. With an offer, you might check our website to get books for you. So, if you want something good or valuable than you should cost for it.

Here is a domain registrar company list who provide free domain name for the customer with hosting package. So, check the list below. Moreover, if you are from Bangladesh then you can buy a domain easily from the bellow links.

  1. WpHostsell
  2. Bluehost
  3. Dot.tk
  4. Weebly
  5. Biz.nf
domain register company

domain register company


IP address space allocation ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) a non-profit organization to manage to connect each other on the internet sphere. US government finance for advance research and grow the internet usability all over the world and combined it. ICANN has a board with nineteen directory members.

IDN Domain Names

IDN is writing in the foreign language like Chinese, Japanese or Russian. It is internationalized domain and communicate all over the world through website URL’s.

Most domain names registered to this point square measure written exploitation the 26-character Latin/English alphabets and numbers, associate degree secret writing referred to as code. IDN permits for the employment of non code characters in domain names. Once associate degree IDN is registered, the foreign characters square measure encoded in Puny code employing a range of algorithms. Puny code is just associate degree code version for the IDN, permitting it to resolve with the present net system.

WHOIS Of A Domain name

Whois is widely used internet record listing where anyone can get contact information and who its own this domain. The internet corporation owns the domain name regulated and ownership. It is developed for record domain name ownership and extremely useful for the domain registration to listed as a domain owner.

What is a Subdomain?

As a part of domain name perhaps in your mind have a question, what is subdomain? The answer is ‘a subset of a larger domain name’. But it is not at all to understand the whole thing. Does it?

sub domain


To look like the same with normal domain. But the main different thing is its extra word (blog) on the URL left site that you are seeing SLD (in our example,)blog.  Mainly this is the subdomain. So in a sentence a subdomain is a short or part of a main domain and a child domain of a larger parent domain.

Additionally, you can add SSL secure server layout. It will increase your website trustworthy and security overall. So, you can read an article how to get free SSL certificate for your blog website.

Finally, Domain is really essential to start any small business to promote your business over the internet. So, if you are trying to register a new domain for your service, then don’t lose the time. So, just buy a domain as per your business keyword that can make a vital role for organize and direct via store. Go through the link everything you need to know about domain registration.

Transfer Your Domain

If you already have a domain and want to transfer to us than that is pretty easy to do that. Just follow the domain transfer page.

There Are 3 Comments

How to get Free SSL Certificate ? Know Everything | WpHostsell.com on 28 Sep, 2018

[…] data. It’s brought the webpage user trusty to use the website securely. On the browser Domains name right extension […]

How to choose a domain name for your business | WpHostsell.com on 23 Dec, 2018

[…] a domain name is likely just how you choose a company or business name. It’s need an extra consideration […]

Web Hosting Company In Bangladesh Know Everything | WpHostsell.com on 23 Dec, 2018

[…] Hosting Company provides service on various aspects like website, hosting issues, DNS, domain and emails. Any web hosting get popular for their technical spurting reports. In Bangladesh […]

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